About Us

Hi. I'm a mother of two little ones.

As a responsible mother, I always feel pressure when preparing for family trips. This task is especially daunting for some of my friends who happen to be single moms, as navigating travel with kids proves to be quite a formidable challenge. Despite the advancements in technology providing entertainment for kids on the go, the comfort of families traveling with young ones hasn't seen much improvement.

Recognizing these hurdles, I had a strong desire to create a product that could help families reduce stress while traveling. Wonder Kid is a luggage brand that I, along with my team, researched customer insights to introduce a line of luggage strollers, aiming to be a solution for every family with small children.

This luggage is not just an ordinary, it's a reliable companion for parents. With the capability to seamlessly transform into a secure seat for children, parents are relieved of the constant burden of carrying their little ones or fretting about holding their hands incessantly. Besides, Wonder Kid features a secure seatbelt to safeguard children from potential falls while on the move.

We firmly believe that furnishing children with their own luggage not only eases the load for parents but also fosters the independence of the child. Children can organize their belongings, cultivating self-management skills from the early stages of life. Wonder Kid is not only convenient for adventures but also a valuable companion when shopping or exploring destinations that require a lot of walking.

The absence of cumbersome bags to lug around makes every journey markedly lighter and more comfortable than ever before. Confronting life's challenges, Wonder Kid has provided my family with exciting, safe travel experiences, creating cherished memories along the way.